RSACC Training

We have designed a range of training courses that will equip your staff and volunteers with the skills and knowledge they need to improve their professional response to survivors, create safe spaces for disclosure, and improve staff wellbeing within your organisation.

  • The sessions were very engaging, very informative and eye opening”
  • The information on statistics and range of services helped understand the scale and difficulties with sexual and domestic violence”
  • I feel much more knowledgeable”
  • The training was relevant to a diverse audience”
  • It made me think about the behaviours we just accept in everyday life, and the effect this can have on survivors of sexual violence”
  • I learned how pervasive sexual violence is”
  • I feel better able to respond appropriately, after attending this training”

Our half-day courses are specifically created for a variety of professionals supporting people who have experienced sexual violence. They are also an excellent choice for those who simply wish to have a better understanding of sexual violence and its impact.

RSACC training is informed by our collective experience of working with survivors for over 30 years, and all profits are redirected to fund the services we deliver to survivors in Darlington and County Durham.

Training is delivered by our experienced in-house trainer either online, in person or by attending one of our advertised training days.

Training Available Now:

Book Now for Bystander Training (Remote)

Tues 30 April 2024 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM GMT

Online, Zoom

An opportunity to complete our Bystander online.

Do you sometimes see or hear behaviours which you can see make others feel uncomfortable? Have you ever wondered if there is a way to intervene or stop this from happening? Are you concerned about your own or others safety in these situations?

In this three hour training course we will look at all of the above. It is open to anyone who feels they need to know more about these themes. You will:

  • Understand what a bystander is and the role they can play
  • Recognise your own personal boundaries on acceptable behaviours and intervention
  • Understand the issues you need to consider when witnessing an event
  • Understand the correct and safe ways to intervene

This course will involve a lot of self reflection and conversation to help you understand how to challenge behaviours safely.


Sexual Violence Awareness (CPD Accredited)

  • Understand terminology used around sexual violence and consent
  • Gain an understanding of the impacts of sexual violence on the survivor
  • Identify different types of sexual violence offences

Domestic Violence Awareness

  • Define and identify the different kinds of domestic violence
  • Understand the impact on survivors and children
  • Understand some of the reasons why people stay in abusive relationships

Responding to Disclosure (CPD Accredited)

  • Understand some of the barriers to disclosure
  • Understand the impacts of sexual violence on survivors
  • Know how best to respond when someone discloses their experience

Bystander Training

  • Understand what a bystander is and the role they can play
  • Recognise your own personal boundaries on acceptable behaviours and intervention
  •  Understand the issues you need to consider when witnessing an event
  • Understand the correct and safe ways to intervene

Introduction to Child Sexual Abuse

  • Understand what is meant by the terms Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Gain an awareness of the feelings experienced by people who have been abused
  • Recognise and act on the signs of abuse, in children
  • Respond appropriately to disclosure and have an awareness of help available
Training is delivered by our experienced in-house trainer either online, in person or by attending one of our training days.



See our Training Dates and BOOK NOW to reserve your place

RSACC Training

Durham Police and Crime Commissioner's Office

Durham City Safer StreetsBystander Training


To find out more about RSACC Training

and how sessions can be tailored to your organisation’s individual requirements, contact us on:

Phone: 01325 354 119

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Jacqui Heward Hill

Meet the Trainer

RSACC training workshops are presented by our Training Facilitator, Jacqui Heward-Hill.

Jacqui has a background in higher education and the third sector, and has extensive practical experience in front line social care and mental health services working with individuals to develop new skills and move forward with their lives.  She has successfully developed training programmes for a range of charities and always strives to ensure that training sessions are meaningful and engaging for participants.

As an experienced Positive Psychology Trainer (and natural introvert!) Jacqui places a strong emphasis on self care and protecting mental health during all the training she presents.  To ensure that the workshops are as comprehensive as possible, Jacqui has used a co-production approach to develop all the sessions with RSACC colleagues, combining the collective experience within the organisation she ensures content is relevant and up to date.

RSACC Training

What to Expect

All training sessions are participatory and involve small and large group activities and discussion. Participants will not be asked to role play. There will be opportunities to ask questions and facilitators will share their experience in working with survivors of sexual violence. We recognise that the training content is both emotive and sensitive and that it may raise issues for those attending. We would advise that participation is voluntary and individuals should not be required to attend.

Self Care

Our facilitators are practised in providing a supportive environment and are mindful of the wellbeing of those attending.

At the same time we do ask that individuals are aware of, and take responsibility for, their own self care needs in relation to personal issues and experiences that may be impacted on by the content of the training session.